Friday, May 3, 2019


 An entire species of beast forms one dark cloud
Storming on piquant hooves across the prairie (fallow) plain
Heaving against/breathing earthen breast;

Echoes of the monarch’s—
A wisdom in the wings
Sings meconium into venation structure
Fluctuating with a sensitivity
To conditions.
Nothing more than
An interest:
(she heard
(inner rest)
…at the frequency which these
(alas) open rhythmic-
the same blink and gentle gesture,
inviting validation
:down to those whose song of brine and breach swims northward
:flirting with birds above airily carried across the mesquite arenas
by drunken flap and mishap,

and only after

climbing clouds, stumbling over secret currents,
the light—
:on grey mock muddle,
huddle between the pages of
blue eucalyptus notes
to lay a cheek against a stem—
(nod or bow)
:in keeping,
those who dare to cool
a flushed face
against the spine of a lover.

Fin rise,
Ache from the tightened chest,
And migrate when the sunlit curiosity
Of compassion cannot keep quiet.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

spare elipses

She has told me before
The pebbles on the shore
Are simply spare ellipses;

She learned
to read
And I realize
she has known
The knots in the planks are punctuation
For the stretched
type, face,
Of pattern in the grained boards
Beneath rough-hewn hands and calloused hopes

She has always
The understanding
That yellow tanager
Sings the report
reading the blossoms
and cotyledons
as vowels and consonants,
on the orchard page;

--I would have guessed
had I imagined--
She learned punctuation from the freckles
That formed
under my kisses
where her skin cautiously absorbed my sunlit hopes
That became melanized while she slept in
Wept moonlight

she sings the words
from beyond the pages of
love songs and lullabies
To herself knowing
They are the same thing.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019

First Language

I know why

The words won’t fall out

Of your mouth

As easily as the air

In the first days you cannot yet

…predict (how I will tame each)

…drop, oil, tear(,)

…welcome the scent of morning


Grotesque is a learned experience and absurdity is an acquired taste

//Bawdy and body are not the same when you see them captured in lines and circles

Against the white sheet//

I know enough about the funk shun

Of word and lengua to trust;

Silence is my first language.

There are so many ways to tell me

you don’t know

until you come close

go blind;

put your hand on the braille

of desire and tell me

what your fingertips find.

Monday, February 4, 2019

open heart

We often forget
that we must break open
or cut through
the rib cage if we wish to
access the heart muscle

Can the brawn and bone of one body
take the frame of another
in hand and rent/
render splinter the line dividing good and evil?

The tools are the usual
(:will and emotion),
that snap into human frame
and unwind white sinew
as if it were made of twig and strung by twine.

In grief our movements take on
the punctuation
Of partial cadavers:
Studied by those who knew only the silent science
Of dissecting widths

apart from sight and feeling.

Tuesday, January 22, 2019

Broken Bodies Part

It was the night
he bit into his fist, again,
not knowing it.

Gravity turns such things to stone:
Rather than blood on the knuckle
A fissure formed—(a line
drawn perpendicular
to others more familiar, almost,
by the slow softening
mineral part)
where harsher sounds are
formed by touch and tongue.

Now we understand the relationship/between
pores connected by jagged cracks—
like a crumbling constellation—
why we call them
heavenly bodies: At dawn he opens his mouth
to finally exhale the story
and stars
broken pieces.