Friday, January 29, 2010

in case you hate

your body today (even if you were just hating one pimple or one wrinkle or one lock of unruly hair--don't be afraid to admit if you were--I thought you should see this because I thought of you when I read it... I thought of everyone on the planet and I thought they should all read it
sooooo we'll start with you and call it a very good start, okay?)

"...woman cannot inhabit the space of this sanctifying reality and still remain invisible or effaced. When she enters this territory, she is given flesh and bone as her embodiment is affirmed and her agency is instantiated. She is, in short, given an envelope of grace to contain her. Because its intention is her ultimate flourishing, she can be said to have, in grace, a skin of her own (and God's) best desires. She is clothed in grace."
from Serene Jones' Feminist Theory and Christian Theology: Cartographies of Grace

Well, whaddya know--Clothed in grace... Cheese and Rice: tell your friends.

1 comment:

  1. Ultimate flourishing. I like it Abigail, thank you.

    Sarah (Nathan's crazy friend) Howell
